adding two materials together?

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probably this was asked before, but i want to "add" (not mix) two materials together to achive a specific look.
adding a constant (unlit) shader, that has a texture applied, and a diffuse shader, that is white and gets the lighting.

how can i achieve this in materialX?

i.e. in redshift there is the materialBlender that has an additive option...

(and does the mtlx-ambient-occlusion not working in karma XPU?)
Edited by soulcage_dpt - April 26, 2024 10:25:28
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probably this was asked before, but i want to "add" (not mix) two materials together to achive a specific look.
adding a constant (unlit) shader, that has a texture applied, and a diffuse shader, that is white and gets the lighting.

It's not possible to add materials, but in your case you could connect the emission to the emission input on the standard surface that makes up the diffuse shader. The standard surface is already adding up the layers that make it up.

(and does the mtlx-ambient-occlusion not working in karma XPU?)

No, it's not supported in XPU.
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I might be wrong but that additive surface operation can be emulated with BSDF nodes too right? I guess there might be some limitations compared to what we have in RS.

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I might be wrong but that additive surface operation can be emulated with BSDF nodes too right? I guess there might be some limitations compared to what we have in RS.

BSDF nodes don't work with XPU
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BSDF nodes don't work with XPU

Ah I see, I didn't knew that, let's hope it will work on the near future .
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