Animating "orientations" property in LOP

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Hello everyone,

This is my first post on the forum. I am currently working on establishing a Solaris pipeline for a school project. Apologies if my knowledge is limited; I'll do my best to explain what I want to accomplish and what I've already attempted.

In my set dressing scene, I have an Instancer LOP which creates points with an "orient" attribute. It seems that this attribute gets converted into an "orientations" property in the stage. I aim to animate these "orientations" using noise to create a wind effect. When I apply an attribute noise to the orient attribute in the Instancer node itself, it works well, giving me the desired result. However, I want to apply this effect to multiple instancers simultaneously. I've tried using the Modify Point Instances LOP, but I'm struggling to retrieve my "orientations" attribute back into SOP so I can modify it. I also attempted to use an Attribute Wrangle in the stage, but once again, due to my limited knowledge, I'm unable to import my "orientations" property and modify it.

Thank you for your support.

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You need to set the transform intrinsic on the packed prims, that's where the orientation is stored within.
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Thank you very much, i managed to do what i wanted ! Inside the Modify Point Instances I simply used an Extract Transform, applied my noise on the orient attribute,then converted the transform back again to the packed prim !
Edited by Victor_Dcp - May 10, 2024 12:08:42

packedtransform.png (964.4 KB)

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