Fluid Simulation Retime

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Hi Everyone,
I've been doing a fluid simulation (https://youtu.be/aHQgnMAXFks) but the client requested the motion stayed at 60 frame for a couple of minutes then move forward. I tried key framed the timescale (and multiple timesteps and this way is very time consuming) but the result is not what they wanted. They want the water is still moving (naturally not slowmotion) but at the same place.

Here is my project file.

Please take a look! Thank you!
Edited by tennou - Sept. 23, 2023 11:11:37

mist.hip (2.5 MB)

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There's a few ways you could try it:

If I was starting from scratch, I probably would have started with a small ocean for the base water instead of a full FLIP sim. The ocean spectra are faster and easier to set up and much easier to loop and tile. And then you could have added your wave and mist as a smaller, more discrete simulation on top of that. This is old, but shows how to set something like that up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fx8Y9NwBkTI [www.youtube.com]

But given that you've already got something that the client likes, I'm guessing you don't want to start over. Building the loop in comp isn't an option? Going to be much easier than doing the loop in CG.

Lastly, if you're stuck doing it in CG, use a time shift to offset a second version of your cache and then blend between the two offset sims. The basic technique is something like this:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYBSB1AUibQ&t=3s [www.youtube.com]

You can add additional noises and random attributes to change the way points are deleted and how the sims blend between one another.
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this worked for me:

https://vimeo.com/416488285/eae8c4f741 [vimeo.com]
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