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Disable automatically "Updating Exports?" April 24, 2011, 4:52 a.m.

Oh, it's not when I open Houdini – it's when I open my .hip file. Also, it happens even when you're in manual mode.

How does Houdini decide when to check if an OTL's exports have changed? (other than when you're directly editing one?)


Disable automatically "Updating Exports?" April 23, 2011, 7:32 a.m.

When I open some scenes (ones with lots of OTL's I created), houdini spends about a minute updating exports. It's a bit annoying…

Is there any way to disable this and just manually update exports when you need to?

-andrew dickinson

Param Type Properties window: Drag and drop disabled April 23, 2011, 7:29 a.m.

There's another thing which seems like it's a display bug: Occasionally, you can't create nodes. You pull up the menu with the tab key, select a node, hit enter, and it just doesn't get created. Once this has happened, it's stuck in this mode until you restart Houdini.

Again, the workaround is to enable “keep above other windows.”
