WIP - Lattice Profile Shape [Houdini Utility]

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Joined: Dec. 2020
Hi Forum folks this is my first post here, this is a WIP HDA.

I was inspired by a direction based lattice method by Simon Verstraete on the Houdini's official youtube channel. (the Sci Fi Panel Generator video)I used these labs tools inside my HDA- color gradient, symmetrize, dissolve flat edges, voxel mesh.

This tool is for Houdini users that want a quick lattice deformation but only in a certain direction and controlled by a ramp controller.
It makes bending panels or pieces of wood easy and has simple ways to flip or change the direction of the deformation.

Enable the guide geometry to see the lattice as you tweak the ramp shape controller.
There is only one divisions slider as that is all that is needed on a lattice that deforms in one direction.
The symmetrize and voxel mesh are post processes to get more ornamental and more complex results after the basic lattice deformation has occurred.

I included some examples but this tool is fairly straight forward to use.
I have been using houdini for less than a year so if anyone gives good suggestions that would be nice. There is an mp4 video just below where you can see it in action.
Edited by jozeheythere - Aug. 31, 2021 18:46:25

hda_houdini_challenge.mp4 (2.9 MB)
lattice profile shape.jpg (116.4 KB)
Lattice Profile Shape .hiplc (540.7 KB)
joze.Lattice_profile_Shape.2.0.hdalc (71.5 KB)

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