Home & tumble around selected object?

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Coming from Unity I'm trying to recreate a very very simple thing. In Unity I can have an object selected, press F to "home selected object" (a bit like G in Houdini), and then Alt+Drag to "tumble" around the selected object. By tumble I mean what LMB does in houdini, that is rotate the viewport around the object's pivot.

But if I do this in Houdini, that is press G and then LMB drag, the viewport pivots around some point close to where I'd expect it to, but not really, and it seems to change any time I press G. I thought this was dependent on mouse position, but it doesn't seem to be, as in when I center mouse on the center of my donut and press G, it'll still orbit around a point that is not where my mouse is, and also not where the donut's center is.

Here's a little showcase https://imgur.com/a/PUur4DD [imgur.com] of what I mean, but it should be fairly self-explanatory. In contrast, Alt+LMB drag in Unity (which is the same as LMB drag in Houdini) will orbit exactly around the object's center.

It'd be neat if there was a way to do this if nothing else to keyframe camera movement around an object during an animation, tho I've gotten quite used to having this way of moving the viewport. AFAIK Blender behaves the same way as Unity does with its viewport orbit.
Edited by darth - April 16, 2024 08:14:00
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You can change the pivot behavior with these:

Screenshot 2024-04-16 145939.jpg (3.7 KB)

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