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Full Version: Error message when right clicking locked parameters
Root » Technical Discussion » Error message when right clicking locked parameters
Andi Farhall
I'm getting this when right clicking a locked parameter. Using H19.0.455 Python3 (indie). I toggled the "send it to the console" box so now I can unlock the parameters but the error is still being printed.

Could it be user error?

Error while evaluating menu item filter expression
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 5, in expression
IndexError: tuple index out of range


Hi have you managed to solve this problem? i'm having the same issue
Andi Farhall
Sadly not, also present in 19.0.498. It's not getting in the way really but it's slightly unnerving.
I've reported it to SideFX before, but it's still bugged for now.
same issue in 2024...
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