Prefab instancing question

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Joined: Sept. 2019
Hello, I have a question.

I am trying to create a prefab scattering HDA but am running into some issues. I've read through the documentation several times and this is my understanding:

there are 2 ways to instance geometry: one is by creating a string point attribute called unity_instance and setting it to the path of the prefab. The other is by using Object Merge node with Copy to Points to achieve the same thing.

My confusion is, when I use the attribute method I can add multiple prefabs to the array and they get randomly chosen for instancing, but when I add multiple prefabs to the object input using the Object Merge method they all get stacked on top of each other. This is not the behavior the documentation describes (I want the random selecting behavior).

I've included 2 HDAs to demonstrate the issue with screenshots. Any help would be really appreciated, my brain is getting hot like an old laptop thinking about this!

testInstancingViaAttribute.hdalc (26.1 KB)
testInstancingViaObjectMerge.hdalc (26.7 KB)
ScreenShot_InstanceViaAttribute.png (1.0 MB)
ScreenShot_InstanceViaObjectMerge.png (902.1 KB)

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