VDB to Unreal HeterogeneousVolume placement

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In Houdini I have simulated and exported a VDB sequence that I am importing into Unreal as an animated SVT.
I am having some issues with aligning the Heterogeneous Volume actor so that it matches the transform in Houdini.

What I have done so far to get the placement of a Static SVT to align is the following:

Location x = Houdini center x * 100 (The center of the Houdini sim)
Location y = Houdini center z * 100
Location z = Houdini center y * 100

rotation x = 90
rotation Y = 0
rotation Z = 0

scale x = 100 * Houdini sim division size (if the sim div size is 0.01 that would be a scale of 1.0)
scale Y = - 100 * Houdini sim division size
scale Z = 100 * Houdini sim division size

If the SVT is animating I can not get the Location to align. I have tried using the first frame center, the last frame center, the "combined center" of all frames of the sim... but I have not been able to align it yet.

Does any one know the correct way to align an animated SVT in UE?

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Joined: Nov. 2021
Hey!! I think there's a solution for the animating VDB thingy, check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBrM4iWlWFE [www.youtube.com] 14:22--> use a static bounding box etc.
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