component builder problem

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Hello. Ok, so I'm in Solaris, I have an asset - a seaweed asset from Quixel - and I want to build a usd asset out of this. The asset has, in this case, one geo (some other ones have multiple geos), and three texture sets (1k, 2k, 4k). I want to build into the asset multiple shaders, 1k and 2k for karma and for redshift. I wanted to use the component builder for this because I thought that would be the easiest way. Turns out it is hard to get it to work the way I wanted...
I have attached a pdf with images to explain what is going wrong, but the gist of it is this. I thought I had things set up correctly, meaning I have one material library where all the shaders live, and one component material for each variant I want (1k and 2k, karma mtlx and redshift).
In the component output I can set the default component to be a karma material, and they show up. But the redshift materials do not(and, yes, I did switch to the redshift renderer in the viewport). Then, when I try to autofill the material library nothing works any more, and solaris complains that it cannot find paths/materials. If I then manually try to change paths in the component material nodes I can get the karma materials back, but not the redshift ones.
Please look at the pdf. The images should show this better than I can write it.

What am I doing wrong? Should this not be really simple to do? And will things get even more complicated when adding geometry variants as well?

Help is much appreciated!

component builder issue.pdf (5.4 MB)

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