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Full Version: How can I "target" a holdout only into an specific object?
Root » Technical Discussion » How can I "target" a holdout only into an specific object?
I'm in Solaris, applying some layers of displacement into a grid to simulate water movement in a river. I can't boolean the grid because that makes the displacement work wrong, so I need to apply the shaders into the entire geometry grid. I need to cut this grid only around the river path but without touching the terrain around it. And I wouldn't like to split into different layers the render. Is there a method to only matte a single object?

I'm in Solaris, applying some layers of displacement into a grid to simulate water movement in a river. I can't boolean the grid because that makes the displacement work wrong, so I need to apply the shaders into the entire geometry grid. I need to cut this grid only around the river path but without touching the terrain around it. And I wouldn't like to split into different layers the render. Is there a method to only matte a single object?

You can start with creating the shape or geometry that defines the river path. This will serve as your mask object.

Yeah, I did it, the problem is that the displacement maps are made with heightfield volumes and I can't export them with the river shape so I can't use them in render. I suppose the only solution is to split the river in render...
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